Contact Wally

Use the form on the right to contact me.

I am happy to help you plan your trip to Napa.  If you need a free winery trip planning agenda please give me as much time as you can due to the large number of requests.  I can typically turn around a custom agenda in 3 days.

Happy also to help you with restaurant and hotel recommendations, all honest and unbiased and based on my own experiences.


Local Wally


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Link to read me page with more information.

Add Your Business


Add Your Business to Napa Tourist Guide

Think you should be in my Napa guide?  Just let me know as I am always adding more discount deals, restaurants, wineries and activities.  Invite me in, send me info, I'll totally open to adding your business as long as it qualifies as the "best" of Napa.

And if your business is already in my guide please reach out to me and let me know who your contact person is so I can always keep your information up to date. 

Want to add a blog post?  Just ask!  I appreciate guest bloggers who want to promote local events and I'll send you the details.

Thanks and Cheers!

Wally (